Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wk3 BP Entry 1 - EDM613 MAC - Art of Possibility Ch. 5-8

Wow! As I read through chapters 5-8 in "The Art of Possibility," I couldn't help but think of two things: 1) teacher-talk in the staff room, and 2) the power of student- to-student learning. Allow me to explain.

The whole concept of the calculating self vs. the central self completely changed my thinking about how I view certain aspects of the teaching profession. I asked myself, "Self? Am I a person that tends to take things too seriously to where it effects how I interact and lead my students?" Fortunately, the answer from my "self" was a resounding "No!" But what my inner self was convicting me of was how I can somehow be effected by how others relate themselves to the calculating self analogy. In other words, I can at times get sucked in to a conversation at lunch with other teachers that revolves around the common complaints of standardized testing, state standards, decisions by administrators, micromanagement and a plethora of other topics that educators seem to find the time to rant about. I discovered that I will listen to these conversations and walk away wondering what good did that just do for any of our students, other creating a free therapy session for these teachers at my expense? My point is, and I think this is what Zander was getting at, was the fact that there will always be something to disagree with, something that doesn't go the way we want it to, or someone that doesn't do things the way I would do them. But the question is whether or not I choose to stay stuck in that rut or way of thinking, or do I choose this presence without resistance approach? Do I let the obstacles stand in my way, or do I allow myself to say that is the way it is and allow myself to be creative and open the pathway for possibility? Obviously my goal as a teacher is to do the latter, but I know I am guilty of allowing my calculating self shadow the central self and the possibility it can unleash.

Secondly, the whole idea of students teaching other students kept running through my head. After reading the story of the Cuban and American orchestras teaching each other how to play different and difficult pieces, I started thinking about how much power students have when teaching other students. I use this strategy in my own classroom to a certain degree, but this concept of the "silent conductor" really highlighted my thoughts on how I can enhance the learning by disappearing from the lead of the room, so-to-speak, and let the kids lead their own learning with each other. Automatically, my head began spinning with different ways to approach some of my lessons and how to implement a more centralized learning environment to where I enable or give students the freedom to learn from each other. By doing this, I think the dynamics of my classroom would completely change, and if nothing else, a great social experiment for my 6th graders who are mostly English Language Learners!

The photo used in this blog is from Flickr, under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic License.

Photo attributed to:
"I Complain" - shtikl


  1. Therapy sessions at lunch, LOL. It's sad but true. There are many days I leave lunch early or don't go at all to avoid the negativity. There are day I go to just get it off my chest, so that I can go back into my classroom with a clear head and do my best to educate my students. For me, it's about getting rid of it in the lounge.

  2. HI GREGG!

    I loved the part in the book where the students became the "conductors" teaching each other the difficult pieces as well. So many different aspect of learning is exchanged between student to student interaction VS calling on the teacher to demonstrate or assist. I always get excited when one of my students says, "I'll show them, Miss!. Often times I find it difficult though because I have so many students at different levels in understanding and using the technology. This year however, I have a split level one and level two class where my advanced students are eager to assist the level ones.

    As well, I think you helped clarify for me a little more what Zander was talking about between calculated self and central self. I honestly think I get really confused when the words start with the same letter and find myself rereading a lot to clarify what I'm reading.

    You always seem to have a very engaging and exciting demeanor and think that you will find very motivating ways to bring your students into the lessons as "silent conductors".

    Ps. The please curb you dog pic is hilarious!

  3. Gregg, once again I find myself really connecting with your post. Both of your scenarios hit home. Teacher lounge talk is so often negatively focused, with complaining about students, administrators, and testing. Often I do as Andrea commented and don't go there for lunch so as to avoid getting pulled into it. Negativity breeds negativity far faster than positivity. I'd rather keep my focus on the big picture and realize that everyone, students included, operates from a perspective that I probably don't know all the details of. It is far better to not take the situation, my control (or lack thereof), or decisions too personally. Remember Rule #6. Lighten up. When there is a really tough day going on that threatens to become filled with negative controlling thoughts, I try to think to myself, "It's going to be a BEAUTIFUL sunset tonight!" Realizing that this to shall pass, whatever the situation is, and life will go on with better/positive implications has been helpful for me. Your second comment about students teaching each other, like the Cuban and American Youth Orchestras, also hit home. Peer teaching is wonderful and can accomplish more than we may think it can. It has germinated some ideas that I'm anxious to share with a team-teacher.

  4. I reflected on my teaching as well this week after I read about the students in the orchestra teaching each other. I think often we don't give our students credit that they are able to do the teaching. The students get so excited when they have that opportunity to share with others what they know and are great at. How motivating that moment is to them as students and us as teachers. I am right there with you on looking at ways I can implement this "silent conductor" approach more often.

  5. Gregg,
    I can't agree with you more! I always are telling people, "Quit complaining, unless you have a solution and are willing to act upon that" The idea of simply complaining for therapy's sake without at least attempting a solution crates against my very soul. You may not succeed in appeasing everyone's sensibilities, however if you don't try to solve the problem in a creative way, you've done nothing but "blown a lot of hot air".

    I love your use of power students teaching others. Even though I am not a teacher by trade, I work with youth at church, hopefully teaching them something else than what you are educating our youth. We've engaged a similar technique in our youth group. By identifying student leaders, mentoring them and allowing them to mentor others, creates an education cycle that extends beyond those that I or the other adult leaders can reach directly.

  6. @Gregg Eilers
    Students teaching each other is great in a training session when you are in the working world. Not only does it help the trainees to work together, but students have a way of explaining things sometimes that a teacher/trainer just cannot express because we understand the material deeply. Some who just got it has a better understanding of how to get his/her fellow classmate to understand the material as well.

  7. If only we had time for all of this great stuff instead of having to cram drill and kill testing strategies to our disenfranchised students... Ack. Love walking through your thought processes as you work through the chapters.
