For my Practical Experience assignment, I decided to explore the wide world of Adobe. I am pretty much a strictly Mac application based user, but I really want to start exploring the Adobe format and seeing how that compares to programs I already use. So, to start I thought it would be appropriate to begin my Adobe expedition with Flash in CS4. I have always had an interest in how to create better web-based animations and effects, so I thought that Flash would be a great place to start learning. Here is the knowledge I gained from the first of my tutorials on Lynda.com:
So far, I have discovered that Flash is set up to design 5 different file types that translate into files for the web. Those 5 different types are called:
1) Flash File (.FLA) - This is the main type of Flash file that is used within the program.
2) Flash Movie (.SWF) - This file is content that can be viewed in Flash Player, such as movies.
3) Video (.FLV, .F4V, .MP4) - These files are video file types that are supported within the Flash Player.
4) ActionScript File (.AS) - This specific file contains ActionScript code.
5) XFL Files (.XFL) - These files are useful to use when designing in InDesign or AfterEffects for smooth integration into Flash.
Those are the basics in getting to know Flash and understanding what Flash can actually do when designing specific types of media for the Internet. I look forward to understanding the application of these files as I dive deeper into my exploration of Flash and how I can apply its usefulness into my work environment.
"Adobe Flash CS4" image by Thiemo Gillissen used courtesy of Flickr through a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.
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