So when you think of Professional Development in education, what comes to mind? Is it a boring lecturer rattling off features of a program that you know darn well in your heart that you will never use? Or do you think of PD as an experience that is not only a one to three day event, but is something ongoing and you will continue to explore and receive continual help and advice? Well, I would hope it is the latter because that is what Summer Tech Fest was for myself, and I believe many others who attended.
I was honored to not only be at the Stanislaus County Office of Ed's/CTAP6 STF13, but to also present on
+Edmodo alongside the great
+Lee Ollar and
+luke hibbard. Sessions featured
+Google in Education , Social Media in Education, iPad Apps and SBAC, interactive whiteboards, Flipped Teaching, and the grandfather session of them all, Appapalooza. The thing I loved most about this event was

the intimacy of each session. Most PD conferences, or unconferences, involve large groups or breakout sessions of 40+ people. Whereas STF allowed each participant the opportunity to dive in to whatever the tool or tip they were being introduced to. I found this to be highly effective for not only me as a presenter/co-presenter, but for the audience as well. And isn't that what PD should be about? Giving educators the opportunity to enhance their skill set with tools that they are actually interested in and using in their classroom environment.
So to close, I am very encouraged with what took place this year at STF13. I believe it was an experience that all participants gained a little more knowledge in something that they will take back to their sites as the summer rapidly gets closer to an end. Already looking forward to the next CTAP6 event!
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