Saturday, February 12, 2011

Entry 2 - Wk2 Comments to Diane Milton: Required Reading

Wk 2 Required Reading

Diane’s Wk2 BP:
I am truly enjoying our required reading from Art of Possibility. Wow, I have been so encouraged and inspired. I look forward to reading this book each day and have already shared some of the things I have read with my husband and friends. Who doesn’t want to transform their life and make an impact on others along this journey? There have been some gentle reminders for me, as well as “lightbulb” moments that are causing me to reflect on how I act and react in situations. One “lightbulb” moment for me came when looking at the second practice, “Stepping into the Universe of Possibility”. Within the world of measurement we all fail and fall short of our own expectations or the expectations placed upon us by others. We determine whether or not we are successful based on measurement tools defined for us. I felt such stress relief after reading, “In the universe of possibility, you set the context and let life unfold”. Enjoy the journey and don’t get caught up on the little things. Flat tires, bugs on the windshield, and critters in the road, are all a part of the journey…laugh and let the moment be perfect without the world measurement of how the moment was supposed to be.

My comments to Diane:
Hi Diane. I completely agree with you about the reading this week. There were several moments that caused me to reflect on several practices of my own, both professionally and personally. This is always refreshing for me when reading a book like this because it opens brand new perspectives that I never thought about before. Like you, I also was impacted by the concept of how we are sometimes confined by a world that is marked in measurement and how well we perform. My eyes were opened with the thought of how within the context of a universe of possibility, we are given the freedom to sort of let go of that control and allow life happen. Through this lens, life becomes a journey that creates experiences to where it is ok to make mistakes and become everyday risk-takers. That to me was the highlight of this reading. Great post Diane!

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